Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Putting together the pieces of life one day at a time.

How`s my pregnancy doing?

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Baby Blain is healthy and BIG!! (28 weeks)

I was smiling and the lady just missed it when she printed my picture. You can catch a glimpse of a smile here. :)
Look closely and you can see that my eye is open. The black dot in the center is my iris.

This picture was taken right before I put my hands in front of my face. I'm not so sure I like all of that poking around on my mommy's belly.

Here I am all snuggled in for a nice nap... which I do mostly during the day. I like to be awake at night, just like my daddy. Notice how chubby I am getting.

Notes from mom: Our 28 week ultrasound was today. The baby is absolutely perfect and beautiful. He weighs approximately 2lbs. & 15oz!!! Can we say big baby? The technician said "you have a chubby baby here." That was music to my ears. I love knowing that he is healthy. She also noted that he has some pretty significant hair on his little head. :)
I am making great progress. Bedrest works people!! The dr. still wants me to "do nothing" for the next month at least (those were his words). I am an old pro at doing nothing. I am just happy to know that things are moving in the right direction.
Merry Christmas...God is good and full of miracles.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

love these pics! it is so amazing to see this little guy snug as a bug inside his mommy's belly.

you and my sis (a kindergarten teacher too) should hang out together. she's 31 weeks and at home on bedrest also.her little man is really wanting to join the world too soon.

Merry Christmas sweet friend!

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Bonnie (on bottom) and Penny...Sleeping

Bonnie (on bottom) and Penny...Sleeping
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