Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Putting together the pieces of life one day at a time.

How`s my pregnancy doing?

Monday, July 28, 2008

We saw..............ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have to say that I have experienced more miracles this summer than I ever thought I would. The lady doing our ultrasound said "I will look first, and then I will turn the monitor and talk." I just prayed. It felt like eternity. She finally turned the monitor and said: "Well Amber, I see one gestational sac." baby. I looked and immediatly saw a flicker of light in the center. THE HEART!! It was our baby's heart!! I must admit that I had instant tears. The baby is measuring great. All looks well. Praise God!! We just love this baby!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

This is what our baby(s) should look like now. I am six weeks tomorrow. Phillip and I give thanks for every day we are given with this pregnancy. I feel pretty good. My sciatic nerve is already being pinched. Doc says there is not much room for things to move around in there. That is gradually changing. I already had to buy a pair of maternity pants! Lucky me!! I am loving every minute. Keep praying for our little bundle(s) of joy. We will have our ultrasound in 6 days!!!!!!! We love you all.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ultrasound Date Set!!!

Everything is still going very well. I feel great. Exhaustion sets in at about 4 pm. I secretly love pregnancy symptoms :) ...guess its no secret now. My jeans are already fitting a little tighter! I can't wait to have a big fat pregnant belly. My nurse called and we set a date for our very first O.B. Ultrasound!!! It will be on July 28th. That is only 10 days from tomorrow!!!!! That is the day we will see our baby or babies. People keep asking "how many do you think it is?" I go back-and-forth. One minute its one baby and the next, I'm convinced I am carrying twins. Whatever it is, we feel very blessed. I want to thank all of you for your encouraging prayers and comments. Keep them going. Love...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Life is GOOD!

I am now in my 5th week of pregnancy. Not a second passes that I am not amazed at the miracle we are experiencing. Our baby is growing! It will have a heartbeat within the week. Arm and leg buds are developing. It is truly a MIRACLE!!! I found this picture of what a 5 week fetus looks like.

We went to church today. Great always!! Peter announced our good news (I got so many hugs and well wishes). Rhett, Amy, and Gracie gave us a card and gift for the baby's room. They are a precious family. After, we went to lunch with Pastor Pete and others. We feel so loved and welcomed by everyone there. Blessings are all around us. :) Life is good!!

More BIG news!!!

My brother, Adam, and his girlfriend called last night. He proposed to her. I am now going to have a 4th sister-in-law. I am so happy for them. He took her to St. Augustine, FL and got on one knee in front of a beautiful fountain. How sweet is that? I love that :) Rachel is going to be a great new addition to our family. God is good...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Everything is going GREAT!

I went back to the dr. yesterday to have blood drawn (ahh the life of fertility treatments). They have to check every 2 days to see if my HCG levels increase. The nurse called yesterday and said "your levels are all excellent." Man, I have grown to love that word. Then she called back with more good news..."NO MORE INJECTIONS." My hiney is loving that!!!!
About Wednesday...
I can't begin to tell you how thankful we both are for the gift we have been given. They told us that morning that we could expect a phone call between 3 and 6pm. So, we tried very hard to waist as much time as we could. We drove around Nashville for a couple of hours, ate at the Belle Mead plantation, drove through some parks, etc. Then, we went home to wait...and wait...and wait. Finally, the phone rang at 5:28pm (I was on the computer trying to pass the time and Phillip was watching tv). I ran into the living room and we both stood there. "Hello".... "Amber, this is Anita...CONGRATULATIONS, you are pregnant! My face lit-up!!!!!!!! I instantly started to cry and looked at Phillip. I told him " I'm pregnant...there's a baby in there!!!!!!" He was elated, and we were both shaking. Then she told me that we would know in approx. 20 days if it is one or two babies. We both feel very blessed and thank God every day for this baby(s).

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

IM PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glory to God. The Lord is faithful. I am PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise to Him. Thank you for your prayers. Keep them coming. I will update more later.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Awaiting Wednesday

Hey everyone! I am so anxious about tomorrow. It is amazing that the day has ALMOST finally arrived. I wish I could say that I am feeling great and ready for some good news. However, I am in so much pain all day and night. My hips are swollen and hot and PAINFUL (from the progesterone injections)!!!! On a scale of 1-10, I would have to give the pain a rating of 10! Only the best for me ;) My spirits aren't great either, because I can't sleep at night. Most of you know how important my 9 hours of sleep are. Let's just say I have cut back to about 4 to 6 hours of restless sleep per night. And poor (amazing, wonderful, caring, loving, selfless) Phillip has been up and down helping me make it through the night. I have not had to lift a finger to do anything. He has been sleeping on the floor for a week now. He pulled the twin mattress off the guest bed and put it on the floor by our bed. Is he the best husband or what??? Anyway, I know that when they call us tomorrow with GREAT news...all of this will have been worth it. Just so you know...our appointment is at 9 am. Then we will have to wait for them to call us with the news. In the past, they have made all of their calls at around 5:30 pm. That's right, more waiting. :) Love and Prayers...

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Counting down the days

Hey everyone! I am so sorry that I haven't updated lately. As most of you know, I have been on bed rest ALL WEEK! I made it, but I must say that it was torture. My hips hurt VERY bad...making it uncomfortable to lay down. I would have updated via a laptop computer, but we decided that it was best for me not to have access to the Internet. I would like to say that I have self-control, but I would have researched every pain, cramp, itch, etc... just trying to find out what they mean. I just have to make it to Wed. and take that test. Pray for me to be patient and to stay occupied. It's hard to be up to much, but I want to try to stay busy.
As far as the transfer, we put in 3 embryos!!! Two of them were blastocysts (very big and strong) and the 3rd was our little 8 cell embryo. We decided (after signing consent forms, lol) that we wanted everyone of those little babies. I looked at Phillip and said..."I really want triplets now!!" This is in part because our other embryos tuckered-out. Meaning...we would not have any frozen and this was our big chance. The moment of the transfer, I am going to keep private. However, I will tell you that it rated right up there with walking down the aisle at my wedding, or walking across the stage to get my diploma. It was one of those events in life that I will always cherish. I know that God was in that room with us. Keep praying for us and our babies. We love all of you very much.

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Bonnie (on bottom) and Penny...Sleeping

Bonnie (on bottom) and Penny...Sleeping
Aww! Aren't they cute? People Drive by just to see them!