Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Putting together the pieces of life one day at a time.

How`s my pregnancy doing?

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Counting down the days

Hey everyone! I am so sorry that I haven't updated lately. As most of you know, I have been on bed rest ALL WEEK! I made it, but I must say that it was torture. My hips hurt VERY bad...making it uncomfortable to lay down. I would have updated via a laptop computer, but we decided that it was best for me not to have access to the Internet. I would like to say that I have self-control, but I would have researched every pain, cramp, itch, etc... just trying to find out what they mean. I just have to make it to Wed. and take that test. Pray for me to be patient and to stay occupied. It's hard to be up to much, but I want to try to stay busy.
As far as the transfer, we put in 3 embryos!!! Two of them were blastocysts (very big and strong) and the 3rd was our little 8 cell embryo. We decided (after signing consent forms, lol) that we wanted everyone of those little babies. I looked at Phillip and said..."I really want triplets now!!" This is in part because our other embryos tuckered-out. Meaning...we would not have any frozen and this was our big chance. The moment of the transfer, I am going to keep private. However, I will tell you that it rated right up there with walking down the aisle at my wedding, or walking across the stage to get my diploma. It was one of those events in life that I will always cherish. I know that God was in that room with us. Keep praying for us and our babies. We love all of you very much.


Amy said...

My heart is happy because I know that you and Phillip love the Lord and know that His will shall be done, whatever that is....I pray that His will is also YOUR will. Just remember and hold on to the thought that you WILL be parents, however our wonderful God wants you to be :-)
Hang in there....we can't wait for good news on Wednesday!!!!!!

wendi said...

I'm so happy for you & Phillip!! I'm sorry it has taken me this long to check on your blog, but I'll do better now. Today was the first time I checked Amy's. I'm such a bad web surfer & e-mail checker. I can't wait for Wednesday!! Good luck!! We'll be praying for you.

Rachel said...

You are so in my prayers and thought girl! I am so excited and happy for you both! Love you!!

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Bonnie (on bottom) and Penny...Sleeping

Bonnie (on bottom) and Penny...Sleeping
Aww! Aren't they cute? People Drive by just to see them!