Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Putting together the pieces of life one day at a time.

How`s my pregnancy doing?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Journey Continues

This is the best picture the ultrasound tech. could get. Blain's fist is right in front of his nose and upper lip, and he looks a little scrunched up (as I am sure he is)! So CUTE!!!
I had a doctor's appointment this morning at 9 am. Everything is the same: 2cm and 60%. The dr. sent me for an ultrasound and said "if we see any cause for concern, we will induce your labor in the morning." He is leaving town on Sunday and really wants to deliver Blain. Well, the ultrasound showed that everything is PERFECT!! I really want to meet Blain, but we are so happy to know that he is healthy and safe. The plan, now, is to wait and see if my water breaks or I go into "real" labor. If not, my dr. will induce labor on March 24th. I know that sounds like an eternity... trust me, I know!!! But we have not even reached the poor baby's due date and everyone is shocked he hasn't come yet. I am just going to relax, be patient, and wait for him to come. God has a plan...he has all along, and we are going to trust that. I am so excited for him to come and to share his arrival with all of you. Thank you so much for continuing to pray for our sweet little baby boy.


Natalie said...

I think you're right his face does look pretty plump! Too cute! We cant wait to see him and hold him... any day now!!
I love you both, Nat


I can't wait to meet little Blain. He will be here before we know it. Love you.

A Wife and a Teacher said...

Your Mom told me about the picture today at school- he is so cute!

Good Luck all of us at school ask about you every morning when your mom comes in.

Praying for a safe delivery!

Sarah Guest Strasser said...

Here's hoping for a quick and safe delivery. You are in my thoughts and prayers. And hurry back, CG wont make it without you! =) xoxo sarah

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Bonnie (on bottom) and Penny...Sleeping

Bonnie (on bottom) and Penny...Sleeping
Aww! Aren't they cute? People Drive by just to see them!