Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie

Putting together the pieces of life one day at a time.

How`s my pregnancy doing?

Saturday, June 21, 2008


I am sitting in my house on this beautiful summer day and I feel YUCKEEEE!! These hormones are brutal! I have been very nauseous, soar, and TIRED! Went to the dr. yesterday and he says all is going well. My follicles continue to grow. However, my estrogen level was a bit elevated. Thus, they had me reduce the amount of Repronex Phillip injects (into me...of course) at night. I am so thankful for your prayers and support. We are overwhelmed with the love we feel around us. Keep those prayers coming. After all, life is a God creation (the dr. is just helping out). :)

Thanks Jessica for your comment. It was so loving and sweet.


Amy said...

So sorry you are not feeling too well today ;(
I hope you two will be at church tomorrow; we are bringing your "goodie box"!
Hang in there, little red-headed trooper! :)

Courtney said...

thinking of you! i've been keeping up and today linked you to my blog. hope that's ok! briley sends her love. can't wait for more good news!

Amber Poynor said...

Thank you so much for your comment and support Courtney. Tell my little Briley I said hello and I love her.

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Bonnie (on bottom) and Penny...Sleeping

Bonnie (on bottom) and Penny...Sleeping
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